Chhattisgarh Home Guard Syllabus 2024 Nagar Sainik Physical PET PST Test Details

Fire and Emergency Services under Chhattisgarh Home Department will going to conduct physical efficiency test and written exam on 2215 posts of Home Guard Volunteer Soldiers/ Constable (General Duty)/ Nagar Sainik. Selection process will commence with physical test and candidates who qualifies physical will have give written exam for final selection process.

This page provide you all the information related to CG home guard syllabus, exam pattern and physical test scheme so you know how to prepare properly for this exam. All the physical measurements, race distance and time, long jump, high jump for male and female are mentioned here.

Chhattisgarh Home Guard Syllabus 2024

A detailed CG home guard syllabus 2024 is also published as per official notification by Chhattisgarh fire and Emergency department. The online application process is still underway and in case you have not applied then please apply on or before 10 August 2024. Long awaited Nagar Sainik recruitment for which young applicants have been preparing physically from a long time.

Chhattisgarh Home Guard Physical Test Scheme (PET) 2024

  1. Physical Measurement Mentioned Below:-
  2. Height: Above 168 cm for Men, Above 158 cm for Women (Relaxation applicable as per district wise)
  3. Chest (For Men Only): Minimum 81 cm without expansion and 86 cm after expansion.

Chhattisgarh Home Guard Syllabus 2024 Physical Nagar Sainik Exam Pattern

Chhattisgarh Home Guard Syllabus 2024 Physical Exam Pattern

Chhattisgarh Nagar Sainik Exam Pattern

Subject Max Marks Question Duration
General Knowledge 25 25 2 Hours
General Aptitude 25 25
Reasoning 25 25
Maths 25 25
Total 100 100
  1. Physical Efficiency test PET will be of 100 marks
  2. Written exam will have 100 questions carrying one mark each.
  3. Negative marking of 0.25 marks against wrong answer.
  4. Bonus marks for sports person, NCC certificate, heavy driving licence, skilled worker certificate, computer typing certificate.

Chhattisgarh Home Guard Syllabus 2024 Physical Nagar Sainik bonus marks

CG Home Guard Nagar Sainik Syllabus

छत्तीसगढ़ का सामान्य ज्ञान (General knowledge of Chhattisgarh)

  1. छत्तीसगढ़ का इतिहास एवं स्वतंत्रता आंदोलन में छत्तीसगढ़ का योगदान।
  2. छत्तीसगढ़ का भूगोल, जलवायु, भौतिक दशाएं, जनगणना, पुरातात्विक एवं पर्यटन केंद्र।
  3. छत्तीसगढ़ का साहित्य, संगीत, नृत्य एवं संस्कृति।
  4. छत्तीसगढ़ की लोकोत्तिया, हाना एवं मुहावरे।
  5. छत्तीसगढ़ की जनजातियां, विशेष परम्पराए, तीज एवं त्यौहार।
  6. छत्तीसगढ़ की अर्थव्यवस्था एवं कृषि।
  7. छत्तीसगढ़ का प्रशासनिक ढांचा, स्थानीय शासन एवं पंचायती राज।
  8. छत्तीसगढ़ में उद्योग, ऊर्जा, जल, एवं खनिज संसाधन।
  9. छत्तीसगढ़ की समसामयिक घटनाये।

सामान्य बुद्धि क्षमता (General intelligence ability)

  1. रक्त सम्बन्ध (Blood Relation)
  2. घड़ी (Watch)
  3. कैलेंडर (Calendar)
  4. आयु गणना (Age Calculation)
  5. दर्पण प्रतिबिम्ब (Mirror Image)
  6. कथन निष्कर्ष (Statement Conclusion)
  7. लुप्त पद (Missing Post)
  8. पासा (Dice)
  9. वेन आरेख (Venn Diagram)
  10. सिटिंग अरेंजमेंट (Seating Arrangement)
  11. दिशा ज्ञान (Sense of Direction)
  12. नल टंकी (Tap Tank)
  13. अशुद्ध वाक्यों को सही करना (Correcting incorrect Sentences)
  14. विलोम शब्द (Antonyms)
  15. समानार्थी शब्द (Synonyms)
  16. पर्यायवाची शब्द (Synonym Words)
  17. कहावतें और लोकोक्तियों (Proverbs and Sayings)
  18. मुहावरा (Idiom)

विश्लेषण क्षमता (Analytical Ability)

  1. डेटा विश्लेषण (Data Analysis)
  2. र्किक तर्क (Logical Reasoning)
  3. समस्या का समाधान (Solution to the Problem)
  4. निर्णय लेना (Decision Making)
  5. अनुमान लगाना (Guess)

अंक गणित (Mathematic)

  1. संख्या शृंखला (Number Series)
  2. लाभ – हानि (Profit Loss)
  3. प्रतिशत (Percent)
  4. कार्य – समय (Working & Time)
  5. दुरी – चाल – समय (Distance – Speed – Time)
  6. अनुपात (Ratio)
  7. समानुपात (Proportion)
  8. औसत (Average)
  9. बीजगणित (Algebra)
  10. संख्या पद्धति (Number System)
  11. LCM – HCF
  12. क्षेत्रमिति (Mensuration)
  13. साधारण ब्याज (Simple Interest)
  14. चक्रवर्ती ब्याज (Compound Interest)
  15. सरलीकरण (Simplification)
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The Author

Deepa Rautela

Hi, I'm Deepa Rautela. I write content on I'm D.Pharma by education and trying my best to keep growing this blog by making it informative and user friendly.

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