RPSC Analyst-cum-Programmer Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2024

Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) is going to conduct written examination on 45 posts of Analyst-cum-Programmer (ACP/Deputy Director) under information and IT department in govt of Rajasthan. The post requires B.Tech, MCA, MBA in IT and communication or computer science. Candidates who have applied for this job can check out analyst-cum-programmer syllabus and examination scheme 2024 to be followed in this exam. Great opportunity for those who have fed up from their private IT job and wishes to join govt IT sector.

RPSC Analyst-cum-Programmer Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2024

RPSC Analyst-cum-Programmer Syllabus 2024

Paper – I

  1. Reasoning Test & Numerical Analysis & General Knowledge: Problem solving, Data Interpretation, Data Sufficiency, Logical Reasoning and Analytical Reasoning. General Knowledge and Current Affairs relating to India and Rajasthan.
  2. Data Base Management Systems: ER Diagram, data models-Relational and Object Oriented databases.
  3. Data Base Design: Conceptual data base design, Normalization Primitive and Composite data types, concept of physical and logical databases, data abstraction and data independence, data aggregation and Relational Algebra.
  4. Application Development using SQL: Host Language interface, embedded SQL programming, Stored procedures and triggers and views, Constraints assertions. Internal of RDBMS: Physical data organisation in sequential, indexed random and hashed files. Inverted and multi-list structures, B trees, B+ trees, Query Optimisation, Join algorithm.
  5. Transactions: Transaction Processing, concurrency control and recovery management. Transaction model properties and state serialisability. Lock base protocols, two phase locking. Different server multi user, multiprocess operating systems and requirement for client interfaces in distributed application environments.
  6. Data Communication and Computer Networks: Computer Network Architecture, Circuit switching, Packet And Massage Switching, Network Structure. Physical Layer, Data Link Layer, Framing. Retransmission algorithms. Multiple access and Aloha. CSMA/CD and Ethernet. High Speed LANs and topologies. Broadcast routing and spanning trees. TCP/IP Stack. IP Networks and Internet. DNS and Firewalls. Intrusion Detection and Prevention. Transport layer and TCP/IP. Network Management and Interoperability.


System Analysis and Design

  1. System concept: Definition and characteristics, elements and boundaries, types of system development lifecycle, recognition of needs, feasibility study, prototyping, role of system analyst.
  2. System planning and tools like DFD, data dictionary, decision trees, structured analysis and decision tables.
  3. IPO charts, structured walkthrough, input output form design, requirement and classification of forms, layout considerations form control, object oriented Design Concepts and methods.
  4. Software Life Cycle, Software Engineering paradigms. System analysis: Feasibility study requirement analysis, Cost benefit analysis, Planning systems, Analysis tools and techniques.
  5. System Design: design fundamentals, Modular Design, Data and procedural design, object oriented design.
  6. System Development: Code documentation, Program design paradigms, Efficiency Consideration. Verification,
  7. Validation and Testing: testing methods, Formal Program Verification, Testing Strategies. Software
  8. Maintenance: Maintenance Characteristics, Maintainability, Maintenance tasks and side effects. Software Project Management
  9. Software Project Management Concept: The Management Spectrum, People, Product, Process & Project.
  10. Software Process & Project Matrix: Software Measurement Size Oriented Matrixes, Function Oriented Matrices.
  11. Software Project Planning: Objectives, Decomposition Techniques, Empirical Estimation Model.
  12. Risk Analysis and Management: Risk Identification, Projection, Risk Refinement, Risk Monitoring and Management. Project Scheduling & Tracking, Software Quality Assurance, Software Configuration Management.

RPSC Analyst-cum-Programmer Exam scheme and pattern

  • Each question has five options marked as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. You have to darken only one circle (bubble) indicating the correct answer on the Answer Sheet using BLUE BALL POINT PEN.
  • It is mandatory to fill one option for each question.
  • If you are not attempting a question then you have to darken the circle ‘5’. If none of the five circles is darkened, one third (1/3) part of the marks of question shall be deducted.
  • After solving question paper, candidate must ascertain that he/she has darkened one of the circles (bubbles) for each of the questions. Extra time of 10 minutes beyond scheduled time, is provided for this.
  • A candidate who has not darkened any of the five circles in more than 10% questions shall be disqualified.
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The Author

Deepa Rautela

Hi, I'm Deepa Rautela. I write content on 4syllabus.in. I'm D.Pharma by education and trying my best to keep growing this blog by making it informative and user friendly.

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